Wow. That @MadMen_ACM Season 3 finally was awesome. (I’m a little behind.)
Month: March 2012
Was surprised and delighted to…
Was surprised and delighted to see @PattonOswalt – briefly – in the third movie of the BLADE trilogy this weekend. It SUCKED regardless.
Dang it! This hilarious 8-bit …
Dang it! This hilarious 8-bit Mad Men game just ruined season 4 for me:
Boy do I hate WYSIWYG CMS inpu…
Boy do I hate WYSIWYG CMS inputs that remove all of the whitespace in my markup. The optimization benefits do not outweigh my RAGE.
The word of the day is “obju…
The word of the day is “objurgate” rebuke severely, scold. Courtesy @ShawnBlanc I’ve NEVER encountered this word before.
FYI Social Marketing People: L…
FYI Social Marketing People: Lots of Likes and Followers are the RESULT of being AWESOME. Not the other way around.
Word of the Day: “intransige…
Word of the Day: “intransigence” refusing to change your mind or agree to something. Courtesy @gruber
Last night I made a Gray-Hover…
Last night I made a Gray-Hoverman TV antenna … 19 HD channels sitting in the same room as the TV! Thanks @nuverde
Folks, there’s no reason to …
Folks, there’s no reason to be double-spacing after periods. STOP THE MADNESS.
@5by5 @stuntbox @zeldman Thank…
@TheEnglishBeat I can’t beli…
@TheEnglishBeat I can’t believe you’re touring the USA, but wish you were playing Nashville. Have a great tour. Thanks for the tunes!
Somehow I was unaware of Wha??…
Somehow I was unaware of Wha’ppen? by @TheEnglishBeat until now. Man, three solid albums!
@commadelimited They are using…
@commadelimited They are using the Private Use unicode range: Now I’m talking to myself. 😀
@commadelimited Ah… I found …
@commadelimited Ah… I found them. He’s using tildas and fl ligature slots for the icons.
@commadelimited I assumed that…
@commadelimited I assumed that these icons would be mapped to letters. Just opened the .ttf in FontForge + all letters are blank. Curious.
@commadelimited @thesifter @ch…
@commadelimited @thesifter @chriscoyier @snookca Why are you encoding the character? If I use uppercase H in the CSS it works consistently.
Well, for a quick RGB image ed…
Well, for a quick RGB image editor, Pinta is really great. pixel-precision on zoom, layers, history, Photoshop-like UI.
@meyerweb Well, here’s to ho…
@meyerweb Well, here’s to hoping the IT department won’t see THAT Google search in my browsing history.
I can’t keep track of the nu…
I can’t keep track of the number of the obviously @Joomla -built sites that still use the Joomla-brand favicon. Sloppy.
League Gothic is my Copperplat…
League Gothic is my Copperplate.