A great new book on the basics of design. I’ve had the pleasure of reading an advance copy and Mr. Kadavy’s sense of humor and deep understanding of how design actually happens makes for a great read. Add it to your wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/Design-Hackers-Reverse-Engineering-Beauty/dp/1119998956/
Tag: design
The Brads – Finding Inspiration
I know! I’ll start writing my own internet comic! http://bradcolbow.com/archive/view/the_brads_finding_insperation/
Great New Book Coming Soon: “Design for Hackers”
Please consider signing up for email updates for this great new book that is intended to help “hackers” learn the basics of design. It’s being written by a very skillful (and good-looking!) designer named David Kadavy. The book will be available September 2011 and the publisher, Wiley, has recently made the book’s website live: designforhackers.com.
The cover design looks AWESOME.
Jon Hicks Is Writing a Book About Icon Design
Good for you Mr. Hicks: http://hicksdesign.co.uk/journal/announcing-the-icon-handbook I plan on picking up the book when it’s available.
Designed Deterioration
Oldie but a goodie: http://www.subtraction.com/2007/07/16/designed-det
“FUTURA” a Play By Jordan Harrison
Sounds interesting: http://www.technewsdaily.com/exclusive-q-a-a-futura-playwright-jordan-harrison–1607/ This was brought to my attention by my friend Richard Wiegmann, who saw the play this weekend in the Portland area. He’s a pretty good artist, check out his work: http://richardwiegmann.com/
Harry Potter Newspaper For Reals
Interview With Nashville Designer Matt Davis
Hey! This guy worked with us here at County Weekly: http://www.mindzai.net/interview-emerging-nashville-designer-matt-davis/ Nice to see him get some recognition. He’s a good designer.
Perspective Crowd Source Design Critique
A great day to discuss design and branding: http://www.duffypov.com/duffy-article/4760/crowd-source-design-critique Even if this WAS posted on Dec. 30.
Branding Should Have a Backbone
I was unaware of any backlash against the new Starbucks logo, but this is a great article: http://www.graphicology.com/blog/2011/1/13/324-branding-should-have-a-backbone.html Besides, all they did was remove the circle-filled-with-text. How controversial can that be? Also, I think the new Comedy Central logo kicks serious ass.
Thoughts on Performance Reviews for Designers
How Colors Affect Purchase Decisions
Not sure how well-researched this is but . . . http://www.psfk.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/How-Colors-Affect-Purchase-Decisions-Infographic.jpg
My Friend David Featured On Mashable!
Check it out: http://mashable.com/2010/12/15/design-for-hackers/
Susan Kare: Famed Designer of the Dogcow
Check it out: Susan Kare: Interview With an Iconic Designer [GALLERY].