Loving “Longevity” and “Henrietta” off @Yeasayer ’s Fragrant World album courtesy my pre-order! http://t.co/6syTn5hG
Man, the Inception music is to…
Man, the Inception music is to short videos as Copperplate was to small business logos in the ’90s. https://t.co/QVpIph42 Still exciting!
Hey kids: Treat yourself. Buy …
Hey kids: Treat yourself. Buy yourself an SSD. Money well spent.
Lenovo B570: Ruined by Keyboard Layout
Look at this thing:
It’s an awesome laptop. Especially for the money. I bought mine off of Lenovo’s Refurb/Outlet store for a bit over $400. With a Core i3 processor, 4 GB of RAM, SD card reader, DVD/CD Write/Read, big touchpad with two-finger scrolling, a decent 15″ display, lots of USB ports, HDMI port and a full number pad on the keyboard, this is a great machine.
The build quality is good. It’s at its worst when it’s folded up and you’re carrying it around. There’s a lot of flex in the screen and it feels pretty chintzy. But when it’s open and running, the keyboard keys are very responsive and the keyboard is very firm itself.
There’s just one problem: they cheated the right-shift key by squashing full-sized arrow keys into the rectangular outline of the keyboard.
This serious problem is easy to overlook when you are shopping, ogling all of the goodies mentioned above at such an amazing price. Unfortunately, if you are a touch-typist the last key you want to press while touch-typing – and not looking at your screen or fingers – is the UP arrow key. And due to the idiocy of this damned cheapskate tradeoff I spend way too much time considering the purchase of a Thinkpad – which all have a similarly great keyboard but with a non-compromised right shift key – to replace it with. Every time I have to type anything longer than a few words I am sending the cursor up, up and constantly not where I want it to be.
I bet this machine could have been made for the same price with arrow keys in the style of the Thinkpad keyboards. Is Lenovo intentionally doing this to push certain people into buying a Thinkpad instead of one of these Essential-line and IdeaPad machines?
Also, it runs Linux like a dream. Everything but the fingerprint reader is working. Though I do wish it had dedicated volume and brightness keys.
Sauvignon Blanc with Apples & Gooseberries
This batch made from a 96 oz. can of Vintner’s Harvest Gooseberry Fruit Wine Base ($47), wild apples (about the size of a clementine) and a Vintner’s Reserve: Sauvignon Blanc 6-gallon kit ($70). I am basically following the kit’s instructions aside from mixing the must with the gooseberries and apples in a nylon bag. And instead of adding the yeast to the must right away, I stirred in 6 crushed campden tablets and waited 12 hours. Continue reading “Sauvignon Blanc with Apples & Gooseberries”
Word of the day: “HOT UP” …
Word of the day: “HOT UP” To increase intensity or excitement. Courtesy @DaveWiner http://t.co/fMWxllCs It’s British, of course.
Are you into poetry, metaphors…
Are you into poetry, metaphors and similes? The Metaphor Blog is for you! bohemianalps.net/themetaphorblog/
Ugh… @Mozilla … Firefox 15…
Ugh… @Mozilla … Firefox 15 for OSX can’t come soon enough. Sounds like it’s gonna be awesome!
Ugh. Just upgraded to the new …
Ugh. Just upgraded to the new @Skype and the main window is now 4 times as big as the old version. This sucks.
Might I recommend picking up @…
Might I recommend picking up @DirtyProjectors ’ Bitte Orca for $2.99 at Amazon today? http://t.co/BWtKnPTz
Windows will never be a respec…
Windows will never be a respectable desktop publishing platform until they make it easier to enter real quotes, dash characters, etc.
Is it true that once you go bo…
Is it true that once you go box-sizing: border-box you never go back? @ppk @KuraFire SO close… http://t.co/e0hUQOxk
Dammit. Promoted tweets really…
Dammit. Promoted tweets really work. I just clicked on an uninteresting Oracle video cuz I thought it was promoted by someone I follow.
Nashville folks, @ChaosMonkey …
Nashville folks, @ChaosMonkey has some cats that need a good home. He’s just over in Louisville, KY. If curious: http://t.co/K666pXJj
The UX of HTML5 by @MrJoe http…
The UX of HTML5 by @MrJoe http://t.co/n4r43OpD – I agree sliders & the only good spinner I’ve seen is Gnome’s http://t.co/XJIFGoaR
I hate how the rare red-exclam…
I hate how the rare red-exclamation-point priority on one of my emails is always apparently ignored.
Disappointed at how often impo…
Disappointed at how often important images-as-text in HTML emails do not include text in alt attribute.
Zoom-in/Zoom-out lever in Fina…
Zoom-in/Zoom-out lever in Final Cut Pro X is way too sensitive on the far right end of the scale.
People need to chill out and f…
People need to chill out and focus on what’s important: How GOOD did @LukeBryanOnline SOUND? http://t.co/Gq7kcLgZ
Authorized @DEVO Documentary F…
Authorized @DEVO Documentary Film by Tony Pemberton — Kickstarter http://t.co/dqA482PS via @kickstarter